We started out the morning by going to church with Mom and Dad. I tried to keep Madeline in the service with us, but she was "talking" to much, so I had to take her to the nursery. She had a great time, and was completely worn out when I went to get her.
After church, we went to back to Mom and Dad's house for pictures, lunch and our egg hunt. Lunch was yummy, pictures turned out great, and the girls had a blast hunting eggs. Fun times! So, here are some pictures from the day. Enjoy!
I love to see all the pretty flowers this time of year.
Madeline was actually smiling really cute in this picture. It's really hard to get her to look at the camera. She normally wants to get down and play.
Classic family photo. We take pictures in front of these same azalea bushes every year.
Happy baby!
Grandy and her girls, minus Erin.
My parents. They rarely get their picture taken together for some reason, so I was excited that this one turned out so great.
Madeline loves playing outside. Can you tell?
Madeline loves her Poppy.
My girls.
My big girl Emma. She looks so grown up.

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