Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Madeline wasn't feeling too well this day, but isn't she cute anyway? I had to take a picture, since it was her 11 month birthday! I can't believe my baby is almost a year old. Time has flown by so fast. Anyone know how to make it slow down? Happy 11 month birthday Madeline!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Remember when I said that Madeline wasn't feeling well? It turns out she had a double ear infection. Poor baby! So, off to the doctor we went to get loaded up with some meds to clear it up. She weighed 20lbs 10oz at the doctor today. 2010 on 02-10-10. Ok, maybe I'm the only one who thought that was neat. Haha
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Emma loves puzzles and she has tons of them. Right now she can do the 100 piece ones without too much trouble. This is a Tinkerbell one that she did today. I thought it was cute.
Friday, February 12, 2010
SNOW!!! In South GA!!! For those of you who live up north, this may seem a little silly, and not look like snow at all, but for South GA, this is snow. For the first time in years, Valdosta saw snow. I think it was in the late 80's when it snowed last time, so to say this is a rare occurance is an understatement. We were on our way to Mom and Dad's house when it started showing at our house, so we missed most of it, since we were driving south. I was really sad that Emma didn't get to enjoy it while it lasted, but when Ike and I got back home from dropping her off, there was still a little snow hanging around, so I took a few pictures so that she could see. Since Mom and Dad's house is more south, they didn't get any of the snow.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Today Emma went to a birthday party at the bowling ally for her friend Hunter. Hunter's mom Cathy and I have been friends since 8th grade. It's been so nice to be able to stay friends with her all these years, and to be able to have our kids be friends as well. Emma and Hunter had a great time together at his party. Happy 6th Birthday Hunter! Emma is in the white shirt on the left, and Hunter has on the stripes to the right of her. Cathy has a better picture of them together that I'll get later, but this crappy one I took will have to do for now.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentines Day! Ike got Emma and me some pretty roses to celebrate, but I don't have a picture of them. Mom loves to celebrate holiday's, no matter how small. For Valentines Day, she got Emma and Madeline each a balloon, and gave the rest of use a little gift as well. Here is a picture of all of us (except me and Dad) opening our gifts.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Earlier in the week, I put my name in the hat at Polka Dot Pixels for a blog makeover giveaway. I got word this morning that I WON! How exciting! I can't wait to give my blog a new look! So, in the next few weeks, be on the lookout to see how it turns out! I'm sure it's going to be awesome! Here is a picture taken from their website on my winning entry. (Thanks Emily!) (It was a random drawing, so I didn't say anything special in my entry to win, in case you were wondering.)
Hi Leslie,
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed looking at your pictures. Hope your little one feels better soon. I can't believe how much snow is going south this year, I feel for all of you. I'm from Ohio so it's pretty normal for us. Congradulations on winning a blog makeover. I love the way it looks, very girly. We also love bowling. Have another great week.
Wow! you are a lucky girl!
ReplyDeleteHope your baby is feeling better. :)