Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Project Life: February 16-22

Well, I'm back again for my weekly Project Life Update.  I really can't believe that I am still keeping up with this, and it's been 2 months already.  I think what keeps me going, is that we will have an awesome book to remember our year by when it's all over. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Madeline loves my iPhone.  She grabs it every chance she gets.  Here she is in Ike's office trying to chew on the case.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Look what I did today! I cleaned out the pantry.  It may not look that strait in this picture, but you should have seen it before.  This area always seems to get so messed up, and I had been ignoring it for way too long. 

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Look at this bathing beauty!  Ike had already left for the day, so after I got a shower, I decided to just give Madeline her bath in the sink.  She looks like she isn't too sure about it, but she loves to splash in the water.  I can't wait till summer and I can get her out in the pool.

Friday, February 19, 2010
One of the things that I have been really trying to get to is actually decorating our house.  We have lived her for 2, going on 3 years, and there are still blank walls everywhere.  I am just no good at decorating and accessorizing.  I just don't "see" it.   But, I am not letting that stop me.  I have finally decided to make use of all the wonderful pictures Kelly has taken for us, and I am finding places to hang them.  Here is a wall in between my kitchen and dining room that will soon be getting some decoration. 

Satruday, February 20, 2010
I've mentioned Emma's love for puzzles before, and she is at it again.  I found this cute 100 piece puzzle in the Dollar section at Target.

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Madeline's first birthday is fast approaching, and I am trying to figure out the decorations and menu.  Here is a birthday banner I am working on for her party.

Monday, February 22, 2010
Today, for school, we did a ton of history.  We have been slacking on this area, choosing to focus on Math, Language Arts and Reading a little more.  Emma seems to be most interested in History and Science these days. I'm not sure if she is truly more interested, or if she is just avoiding the others.  Either way, an interested student makes a happy teacher.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blog under construction

Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog from time to time.  I just wanted to let you all know that for the next week or so, my blog will be in a state of transition.  Emily from Polka Dot Pixels is giving my blog a makeover!  So, sit back, and enjoy the ride!  I know I can't wait to see the finished product.
So excited!

~ Leslie

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Project Life: February 9-15

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Madeline wasn't feeling too well this day, but isn't she cute anyway?  I had to take a picture, since it was her 11 month birthday!  I can't believe my baby is almost a year old.  Time has flown by so fast.  Anyone know how to make it slow down?  Happy 11 month birthday Madeline!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Remember when I said that Madeline wasn't feeling well?  It turns out she had a double ear infection.  Poor baby!  So, off to the doctor we went to get loaded up with some meds to clear it up.  She weighed 20lbs 10oz at the doctor today.  2010 on 02-10-10.  Ok, maybe I'm the only one who thought that was neat. Haha

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Emma loves puzzles and she has tons of them.  Right now she can do the 100 piece ones without too much trouble.  This is a Tinkerbell one that she did today.  I thought it was cute.

Friday, February 12, 2010
SNOW!!!  In South GA!!!  For those of you who live up north, this may seem a little silly, and not look like snow at all, but for South GA, this is snow.  For the first time in years, Valdosta saw snow. I think it was in the late 80's when it snowed last time, so to say this is a rare occurance is an understatement. We were on our way to Mom and Dad's house when it started showing at our house, so we missed most of it, since we were driving south.  I was really sad that Emma didn't get to enjoy it while it lasted, but when Ike and I got back home from dropping her off, there was still a little snow hanging around, so I took a few pictures so that she could see.  Since Mom and Dad's house is more south, they didn't get any of the snow.

Saturday, February 13, 2010
Today Emma went to a birthday party at the bowling ally for her friend Hunter.  Hunter's mom Cathy and I have been friends since 8th grade.  It's been so nice to be able to stay friends with her all these years, and to be able to have our kids be friends as well.  Emma and Hunter had a great time together at his party.  Happy 6th Birthday Hunter! Emma is in the white shirt on the left, and Hunter has on the stripes to the right of her.  Cathy has a better picture of them together that I'll get later, but this crappy one I took will have to do for now.

Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentines Day!  Ike got Emma and me some pretty roses to celebrate, but I don't have a picture of them.  Mom loves to celebrate holiday's, no matter how small.  For Valentines Day, she got Emma and Madeline each a balloon, and gave the rest of use a little gift as well.  Here is a picture of all of us (except me and Dad) opening our gifts.

Monday, February 15, 2010
Earlier in the week, I put my name in the hat at Polka Dot Pixels for a blog makeover giveaway.  I got word this morning that I WON!  How exciting!  I can't wait to give my blog a new look!  So, in the next few weeks, be on the lookout to see how it turns out!  I'm sure it's going to be awesome!  Here is a picture taken from their website on my winning entry. (Thanks Emily!) (It was a random drawing, so I didn't say anything special in my entry to win, in case you were wondering.)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Project 365: February 2 - 8

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
 Oh Target!  I love Target.  This is the first place I go when I have extra money.  They always seem to have something I want to buy, and I always spend more than I should.  I'm sure Ike wishes I would stay out of there.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
When I was at Walmart the other day buying groceries, this bread called my name when I walked by, so I just had to buy it.  I've been eating it for breakfast, and it's super yummy!

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Every once in a while, I have been letting Madeline get in the tub with Emma.  She loves it! She likes playing with all of Emma's tub toys, like this Aerial doll.

Friday, February 5, 2010
Emma's school, GCA has field trips every now and then so that the students can meet each other.  Emma's teacher hosted a trip to Wilder's World in Tifton.  It's this large warehouse kind of thing full of bouncy houses/slides, etc.  Emma had a great time!

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Harvey's is our local grocery store, and it's the closest one to our house.  We go here when we don't have much to get and we don't want to go to Walmart.  Ike goes by this store sometimes on the way home from workto pick up something we need to make dinner.

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Isn't this the sweetest picture ever?  On Sunday at Mom and Dad's house, Madeline brought Granny a book to read.  It was so sweet to watch an 80 year old Great Grandma read to her 11 month old Great Granddaughter.  I am so glad that Madeline and Emma are getting the change to know their Great Granny, since most kids never get the chance.

Monday, February 8, 2010
Madeline hasn't been feeling too well this week.  She's been teething really bad.  Sometimes when she gets tired, she will pull a pillow off the couch and lay her head on it, but she never goes to sleep or anything.  Emma had her beanbag out in the living room, and Madeline went over to it, and layed down.  She got really quiet, and next thing I know, she was asleep.  I doubt she will ever do this again, so I made sure I got a picture of it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Project 365: January 26 - February 1

I was a bit of a slacker this week. Things were so boring around the house, that there just wasn't much to take pictures of, so I don't have 7 pictures to share, but I will share what I have.   They aren't dated like normal, but I promise to be back on track next week.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 to Monday, February 1, 2010

If you know me in real life, you know what the thread bare piece of cloth is.  It's my blankie.  I have had it since I was a baby, and I still sleep with it every night. 

Emma got sick this week with a UTI, so we spent an afternoon at the doctors office, and came home with this lovely script for antibiotics.  Sorry the picture is so bad.   

One night this week as the sun was setting, Emma came running to me in the kitchen and telling me that I needed to come look at the sun.  When I went to the front door to look, this is what a saw.  It's kindof dark, but the sun was a really neat shade of pink, and it looked awesome!

Saturday, Ike and I went with our friends Clayton and Lauren to Jacksonville to go baby shopping. We had a great time, and mom watched Emma and Madeline while we were gone.  When we got home, Emma had gotten mom to help her make a sign to welcome us home.  How sweet is that?