Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I think Madeline has been watching too much football with her Daddy!

Isn't that just the cutest thing!

Monday, November 30, 2009

More from the Christmas Tree Farm

Hey all! Just wanted to post a quick update. We are back from Destin, and had a great time with all the family. I didn't get a chance to take many pictures though. It seemed like the kids were never in one place and still long enough to get a picture of them. But, mom took a few, so hopefully I can get those from her.

Kelly posted a few more photos of the girls that we took at the tree to her blog. She does such a great job! The girls always look beautiful! So, go check them out! Leave a comment on her blog if you want to! I'm sure she would appreciate it.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sneak Peek!

Here is a sneak peek of our photo session from Saturday morning at the Hambrick Christmas Tree Farm. As soon as Kelly posts a few more of them, I will make sure to share the link with y'all.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Update your blog much?

Apparently I don't. Well, it's not for a lack of want-to. Things around our house have been so busy lately I feel like I have barely had time to breath. This post will be a little all over the place, but I hope that it will at least give you an update on what's been going on with us, and what we will be up to in the next week or so.

Since I updated last, Madeline has turned 8 months old. She is very mobile now, and it getting into everything. I hope to have some updated photos of her posted soon. This weekend we are meeting with our favorite photographer Kelly Williams again for Madeline's 8 month pics and also a Christmas picture of our family. We can't wait! We are using the Hambrick Christmas Tree farm as our location, so I think it will be a fun session. I'm sure Kelly will post a few to her site, so I will be sure to post the link to them here when she does.

Emma is doing all she can to try to hold herself together at this point. She loves the holidays, and gets so excited. She has already picked out close to 2,000 items for her Santa list. (ok, that wasn't completely true, but she has picked out so many it feels like 2,000) I really hope that she won't be disappointed this year. Times have been really tough for us this year, and we have lost some of our Christmas funds due to furloughs. Not to mention that with 2 girls now, our Santa funds have to stretch even further. I guess the important thing is that we use this as an opportunity to remind her that Christmas is not all about this gifts. I hope that we can do that, but it's hard for kids to understand sometimes.

I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is next week. Where has the time gone? Ike has all next week off, so I plan to do some major cleaning in the early part of the week. On Wednesday, we will be headed to Destin for Thanksgiving, like we do every year. It will be a great time for us to visit with family, and to finally get a chance to meet my nephew Liam, who was born in September. My sister keeps me updated through her blog, but it will be nice to finally get to hold him.

Every year it seems like our Thanksgiving gets more hectic. This year we will have 5 kids, age 6 and under. Yikes! I'm just glad that I am only responsible for 2 of them. I am excited though. I love Thanksgiving and all the food that goes along with it. I know it's hard to believe that I like food. I mean, you would never be able to tell by looking at my trim, fit, skinny, body. Ha Ha Oh well, I plan to enjoy my Thanksgiving, and worry about the figure later.

As soon as we are back home, I am going to get out the Christmas decorations and decorate the tree. I'm also hoping to finish up my Christmas shopping in the next week or so. I have somehow already managed to get most of my shopping done, and I am so excited to know that I will not be rushing around at the last minute trying to get my gifts done this year. I love it when a plan comes together!

I hope that all of you enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday! Hopefully I will find some time to post an update once we get back, and be able to share some pictures.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

We have Mushrooms!

This morning when I was changing Madeline in her room, I happened to look out the window and saw mushrooms in the yard. I know that having shrooms in the yard is nothing new, but this one looked huge! So, I had to go out and take some pictures of them. Yes, I know I am strange, and yes I know it's weird to take pictures of yard mushrooms, and yes, I know this is a strange post. All I can say is that once you become a stay-at-home, you get impressed by the smallest things. So, just pretend this is really cool with me... OK???

This is the biggest one. I put my flip flop in front of it for comparison.

Here is a picture of the sun coming up in our back yard. It's hard to tell in the pic because it turned out dark for some reason, but it really is pretty in real life.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our Back Yard Camping "Adventure" (or lack thereof)

Last weekend, we decided to take Emma camping. Not "real" camping mind you, but camping in Mom and Dad's back yard. For the most part, I am going to let the pictures speak for themselves, but I will tell you that Emma only made it to 11pm in the tent. It was a little chilly that night, and the road noise was a little scary for her, so she decided to sleep inside instead. Ike was out there with her, but I guess that just wasn't enough. So, for your viewing pleasure, here are some pics.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday for October 7th

The pictures of Emma were taken at her GVA field trip to the Birdsong Nature Center in Thomasville.

While I realize that this last picture is terrible, I posted it because this is only picture that you can see Madeline's milestone for last week. Can you see it? Ok, stop squinting and just click on the picture, and you should be able to see Madeline's first tooth! (It's the white speck on her bottom gum) This tooth came is last week, and I was just able to get a pic of it this weekend.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Teething Biscuits

Well, I think I have officially joined the ranks of the domestic mom squad. This week I decided to make Madeline some homemade teething biscuits from a recipe I found in the now defunct Wonder Time magazine. (Yes, I know....sewing???, who is this person, and what has she done with Leslie? I guess that's what being a Stay-at-home does to you.)

They looked pretty yummy, and seemed like they would be easy to make. So, below you will find photographic evidence of my adventure. I think they turned out pretty well, served their intended purpose, and Madeline seems to like them. But, even though the smell good, and taste decent, they are indeed "teething biscuits" in every sense of the word. To say the least, they are REALLY HARD. So, be warned, if you are going to try them yourself, that I am not responsible for any dentist bills.

I am also including a graphic of the actual recipe, taken from the issue of Wonder Time. You should be able to click the picture to see the recipe bigger, but if not, you can also see it here:

Now, on to the pictures of me being domestic!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Introducing Liam Grant Peterson

My family had a very exciting event last Friday. My sister Erin's baby boy finally arrived after a somewhat complicated labor and delivery. But, Mom and Baby are doing great now. Liam Grant Peterson arrived at 9:08pm on September 4, 2009. He weighed 7 lbs, 5 oz and was 20 inches long.

Erin will hopefully be updating her blog with new pics and videos of Liam, so head on over to her blog and check it out. Her blog address is:

Congrats Erin and Kurt!! I can't wait to come visit and meet Liam in person!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm still alive... I promise.

Hey everyone! I have been a terribly blogger lately, but at least I have good reasons for my absence. School started for us on the 17th of August and I have running around like a chicken with my head cut off since then. Teaching Emma at home through GVA and taking care of Madeline at the same time, has left me with not much time for anything else.

So, here's a quick update.

Madeline: She is doing great, and eating like a champ. She still doesn't like anything green, and we have also added chicken to this list. On an exciting note though, she sat up for the first time last week. I was so excited! She is turning into such a big girl.

Emma: We are on week 3 of 1st grade, and things are going pretty well. Emma is not too fond of school or authority, but we are slowing working on correcting her attitude in those areas. (That's just a fancy way of saying that she doesn't want to do her school work, and I am making her. LOL) She is growing up so much lately, it's hard to believe she is 6.

Ike and I: Busy....that's all I can say. We are both working hard in our various "jobs" and trying to make time for each other. Ike just celebrated his birthday on the 29th, and I made him a Boston Cream Pie for the occasion. It turned out great! See??
That's all the updates for now. I promise to do better in the next few weeks with my posts! Here are a few recent pics for your viewing pleasure.

Is this a happy baby or what?
Here is Madeline enjoying her new highchair and some sweet potatoes.

Madeline sitting up for the first time. Thanks Aunt Kathy for the floor mat! We love it!
On Monday, we took Emma to a GVA meet and greet at the bowling ally. She had a great time with the other kids. She bowled an 85!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

More sewing

Today I made 2 burp clothes. One for Madeline and one for Liam. Madeline's turned out ok, but I tried to do a zigzag stitch around her M, and that didn't work out to0 well. I did a strait stitch around Liam's L, and I think it turned out much better.

Here they are:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009