It's so hard to believe that 8 years ago today, I gave birth (without an epidural) to a sweet little 6lb, 9oz baby girl that I named Emma June. She has grown so much and seems to be more and more like me everyday. We are celebrating with her today by taking her to a movie this afternoon, and her cake is cooling on the stove.
I thought it would be neat to do a little flashback to see how much she has changed over the years.
2003 - Just a few minutes old. Yes, I know I look terrible...ignore that please! ;-)
2004 - 1 year old - Sears Studios
2005 - 2 years old - Sears Studios
2006 - 3 years old
2007 - 4 years old - Connell Studios
2008 - 5 years old - Portrait Innovations
2009 - 6 years old - The Bond Between Us Photography
2010 - 7 years old
2011 - 8 years old - The Bond Between Us Photography
Wow! How could a little girl be any cuter! Happy Birthday Emma! I love you!