Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy 8th Birthday Emma!

It's so hard to believe that 8 years ago today, I gave birth (without an epidural) to a sweet little 6lb, 9oz baby girl that I named Emma June. She has grown so much and seems to be more and more like me everyday. We are celebrating with her today by taking her to a movie this afternoon, and her cake is cooling on the stove. 

I thought it would be neat to do a little flashback to see how much she has changed over the years.

2003 - Just a few minutes old. Yes, I know I look terrible...ignore that please! ;-) 

2004 - 1 year old - Sears Studios

2005 - 2 years old - Sears Studios

2006 - 3 years old

2007 - 4 years old - Connell Studios

2008 - 5 years old - Portrait Innovations

2009 - 6 years old - The Bond Between Us Photography

 2010 - 7 years old

 2011 - 8 years old - The Bond Between Us Photography

Wow!  How could a little girl be any cuter!  Happy Birthday Emma!  I love you!


Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Friday!

I'm not sure about you, but Friday is my favorite day of the week! I'm not sure if it's the fact that my hubby gets off work early or that I know the weekend is coming. Either way, I love Friday's.

Today is shaping up to be a lazy day around our house, and we really don't have anywhere to be. The kids are playing together nicely, and I am actually getting a chance to drink my coffee and watch the Today show. It's really the simple things that make me happy!

This weekend is gonna be fairly relaxing too, and the only "official" plans we have are to attend the wedding of my old friend Leigh tomorrow. Leigh is the one responsible for me and my hubby meeting. She introduced us in August of 2000. We got married 9 months later. Here's a picture of us with Leigh on our wedding day.

We just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary last month. Here is a picture of us then and now.

I owe her a lot of thanks for introducing us! So excited for her. Happiness has been a long time coming! I know in a way, tomorrow is gonna be tough for her, since she lost her mother to cancer a few years ago. Here is a great picture of the two of them together in 2001.

Leigh, if you are reading this...I am so happy for you, and I pray you have many happy years full of blessings!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011